Showing 1 - 25 of 96 Results
Pennsylvania-German in the Revolutionary War, 1775-1783 by Richards, Henry Melchior Mu... ISBN: 9780271053868
Argument Demonstrating That the First Discoverers of America Were German, Not Latin by Richards, Henry Melchior Mu... ISBN: 9781174801068 List Price: $15.75
Report of the Commission to Locate the Site of the Frontier Forts of Pennsylvania by Commission To Locate The Si... ISBN: 9781277141269 List Price: $52.75
Report of the Commission to Locate the Site of the Frontier Forts of Pennsylvani : The Front... by Commission To Locate The Si... ISBN: 9781277179941 List Price: $46.75
Valley Forge and the Pennsylvania-Germans : Address Delivered at Valley Forge at the Annual ... by Henry Melchior Muhlenberg R... ISBN: 9781175187888 List Price: $40.75
Company D, 109th MacHine Gun Battalion of the World War : Paper read before the Lebanon Coun... by Richards, Henry Melchior Mu... ISBN: 9781175661852 List Price: $17.75
The Pennsylvania-German in the Revolutionary War, 1775-1783 Volume 17, Pp. 1-542 by Henry Melchior Muhlenberg R... ISBN: 9781230374154 List Price: $27.53
Descendants of Henry Melchior Mhlenberg (Volume 10) by Richards, Henry Melchior Mu... ISBN: 9781153340175 List Price: $20.00
Descendants of Henry Melchior Mhlenberg (Volume 10, pt. 8a) by Richards, Henry Melchior Mu... ISBN: 9781153340151 List Price: $20.00
Valley Forge and the Pennsylvania-Germans; Address Delivered at Valley Forge at the Annual M... by Richards, Henry Melchior Mu... ISBN: 9781150053115 List Price: $31.58
The Pennsylvania-German in the French and Indian War; A Historical Sketch by Richards, Henry Melchior Mu... ISBN: 9781153087124 List Price: $29.79
Report of the Commission to Locate the Site of the Frontier Forts of Pennsylvania: The India... by Commission To Locate The Si... ISBN: 9781148497198 List Price: $55.75
Report of the Commission to Locate the Site of the Frontier Forts of Pennsylvani : Prefatory... by Commission To Locate The Si... ISBN: 9781277668810 List Price: $56.75
Indian Forts of the Blue Mountains by H M Richards the Frontier Forts Within the North and W... by Commission To Locate The Si... ISBN: 9781278608617 List Price: $55.75
Report of the Commission to Locate the Site of the Frontier Forts of Pennsylvania : The Fron... by Commission To Locate The Si... ISBN: 9781275422032 List Price: $49.75
Descendants of Henry Melchoir Muhlenberg by Henry Melchior Muhlenberg R... ISBN: 9785518873636 List Price: $44.95
An argument demonstrating that the first discoverers of America were German, not Latin by Henry Melchior Muhlenberg R... ISBN: 9785518869400 List Price: $44.95
Governor Joseph Hiester a historical sketch Part 17 by Henry Melchior Muhlenberg R... ISBN: 9785518872301 List Price: $49.95
Company D, 109th Machine Gun Battalion of the World War: Paper Read Before the Lebanon Count... by Henry Melchior Muhlenberg R... ISBN: 9781289790684 List Price: $17.75
Valley Forge and the Pennsylvania-Germans by Henry Melchior Muhlenberg R... ISBN: 9785518904453 List Price: $44.95
Company D, 109th Machine Gun Battalion of the World War: paper read before the Lebanon Count... by Henry Melchior Muhlenberg R... ISBN: 9781297488238 List Price: $17.75
The Hiester Family; Volume 16 by Henry Melchior Muhlenberg R... ISBN: 9781298736925 List Price: $21.95
An Argument Demonstrating That the First Discoverers of America Were German, not Latin Volume 8 by Henry Melchior Muhlenberg R... ISBN: 9781298747075 List Price: $19.95
Argument Demonstrating That the First Discoverers of America Were German, Not Latin Volume 8... by Richards, Henry Melchior Mu... ISBN: 9781295673261 List Price: $15.75
Report of the Commission to Locate the Site of the Frontier Forts of Pennsylvania : The Fron... by Commission To Locate The Si... ISBN: 9781294869122 List Price: $46.75
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